Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reading Diary Week 7: The Elephant and The Tortoise

I chose the Nigeria unit this week, and decided to write about “The Elephant and the Tortoise.” I thought it was interesting because not only one animal is deceiving in this story, but two of them are. I think if I were to write a story about this passage I would want to write it as a lesson. I think it shows that you should not give something up just because of flattery. It also teaches to be careful not give away too much for something so little that may seem important at the time. I may want to try having a “Princess Bride” type of story where an adult is reading the story to a child, and as they go they are teaching them lessons. I would put a break in the story after the tortoise takes both eyes to have a little lesson teaching with the child. After this I would continue telling the story as before. At the end there would be more talking time, and possibly more like a discussion with the child about why these are good lessons, and how they can be applicable in the real world. They may need to learn to say no to things they want in the future. They would also need to learn that sometimes you want to do something for someone to help them out, but it will be too much. You may have too much else going on to really be able to help that person, and will need to tell them kindly that you cannot help them.
From Tambako the Jaguar

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