Sunday, January 31, 2016

Possible Storybook Topics

Topic 1: Foxes in Aesop’s Fables.

When I was little my mom would always read to me from the Aesop’s Fables book, and it was one of my favorite books. The one story that really stuck with me, and that I remember well is the one of the Fox and the Crane. I think foxes are always depicted interestingly because they are usually cunning and sly, so that is why I am excited to read more of the fox fables. To research I looked through the list of animals that was put together for the Aesop’s series, and am hoping to go through many of those, and maybe even combine some of the stories. I am looking forward to maybe depicting foxes in a different light, and maybe getting their perspective in my storybook. 
The Fox and The Crane
By Laura Gibbs

Topic 2: Aesop’s Lion

Lions are known for being prideful, and being leaders. I love how powerful they are, and they have always intrigued me. I love to hear stories about lions and humans bonding, and I think that may be a fun thing to explore with my storybook. For this I also looked at the index of animals that are in Aesop’s fables, and plan to look through many of the stories. Of the stories I have looked at, I really liked the Lion and the Two Men, and think I may want to use this story. I think I may want to depict the lion as a kind animal, to those who deserve it. 
Unlikely Friendship
From youtube

Topic 3: European Fairy Tales

European fairytales include some of my favorites, from goldilocks to Cinderella. I think that there are also that a lot of people haven’t heard of, like The Swan Maidens and A Dozen at One Blow. For this idea I would like to maybe do a “forgotten” fairytales of Europe theme. I found two sources, which each had plenty of titles that were not familiar to me, and I’m sure are not all too familiar to many people. The one I looked at first was The Fairy Tales of joseph Jacobs, and then I also looked at Andrew Lang’s Fairytales. Each seemed to have many forgotten stories. I may want to pin the forgotten characters against the classic favorites that everyone has heard of.
Swan Maiden
From tumblr

Topic 4:Poseidan’s Tales of the Sea

My last topic of interest would be Poseidon. I have always had a love for the water, and everything that goes with it, so that is why he is the god I chose. I also really enjoy Greek mythology, so that is why I chose a god and not mermaids or sea creatures. I was thinking of having this storybook be about Poseidon’s wrath against others because there seem to be many of those stories. This week I read the Odyssey passages, and there was the one of Poseidon taking revenge over his son’s lost sight. I looked at Theoi to find some stories, and also at Wikipedia, but will probably look farther for some more stories. 
From Wikipedia

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Secret Island: Storytelling Week 2

One lonely morning Ellie was walking around her cottage on her deserted island. She had been there since her ship crashed, and was the sole survivor. She had built a home for herself on this island that only had goats as inhabitants, and had lived for some years. Today she was feeling especially gloomy, even though it was a gorgeous day. She had no one to talk to, no one to share laughter or sadness or joy with. The goats only looked at her then walked away when she tried to talk to them, as if they were unamused by anything she presented to them. From her cottage she could see where her ship had landed, she had pulled most of the bits and pieces ashore. She never could bring herself to do anything actually useful with the wreckage, and that is how she got the idea. She decided to build a raft with the driftwood that was left. It was time for her to leave, and to find some human company.

A week later, Ellie was satisfied with the raft she had built for herself. She had gathered some essentials she thought she would need for her journey, and set off into the bright cheerful sea.

Five days and three nights she had been drifting. Ellie was starting to lose hope of every seeing land again, much less another human being. Her supplies were running low, and only so much rationing would help. In the horizon she saw what looked like a moving bump, she assumed to be another wave rolling in. As the raft drifted closer it became more and more clear that this was not a wave. This was a thing. An enormous thing. Ellie had never seen anything like it. It had tentacles for arms, and three almost human looking heads jutting out from its floating body. It was frightening! Ellie tried her hardest to not be seen, but she was too close, and upon instinct she played dead.

The half octopus, half human seemed to take an interested in her tiny raft, and encircled it between its tentacles. Ellie was trying to remain as still as she could, but she could feel her entire body trembling with fear. Eventually this monster seemed to take pity on her, pushing her raft behind its body, towards what seemed to be more ocean. Ellie was distraught; she would have rather been eaten by the monster than spend another five days at sea! As soon as that thought had left her mind, she felt her raft bump into something, and stop. She had found land! Where did it even come from? Ellie didn’t care. She was too overjoyed with being able to stand up, walk around, and run.

As she calmed herself, she started to wander around, and eventually came to a city. This wasn’t just any city though. Ellie had never seen such beauty! Everything was carved from the most wondrous marble she had ever seen. No one was around though. Working up all of her courage, Ellie entered what seemed to be the central building. It was the grandest of them all; at least twice the size of the other buildings. It has a courtyard with trees and fountains and flowers that Ellie thought she could stay in forever. Pushing open the doors she heard chattering coming from the room to her right, so she ventured there. When she walked into the room, there had to be at least a hundred people in there! They all stopped what they were doing to stare at her. My gods, these were the most beautiful people she had ever seen! Suddenly Ellie felt very self-conscious in her tattered stage. A man approached her and told her she could call him Percy. He seemed baffled that she had managed to find their island, so she gave him the low down on what had happened on her journey. Percy told her he knew of the beast in the ocean, and that the creature was actually their guard. He explained to her that their island was very special, and was supposed to be a hidden secret.

Ellie was overwhelmed, and needed to comprehend what she had just learned about this strange beautiful place she had landed, so Percy took her back out to the garden and sat with her.
Marble Bench
photo by David Dixon

He seemed nice enough to her, but since she hadn’t spoken to anyone in about three years anyone probably would have seemed nice. There was something about him that seemed different than she remembered people to be like though. When Ellie looked at Percy again he got a very serious look on his face. He told her to be calm, but he had to share something with her. Ellie swore to him that she could handle whatever he may throw her way. In one quick sentence Percy blurted out that he was Poseidon’s son, and that all the people she had just seen were also the offspring of gods and goddesses. Ellie was stunned; how had she landed here? Would they let her stay? Did she even want to stay? Putting her jumbled mind at ease, Percy told her that since she had managed to find this island she was welcome to stay as long as she wanted to.

Ellie decided to stay. She did not want to set sail again, and who knows if she would be as lucky to find another island again. The more she hung out with Percy and his friends, the more she felt like this was her home. She had finally found the company she was longing for.

Author's Note: 
This story was based on a passage from The Odyssey. "[E]ach of Scylla’s heads dragged a man writhing towards the rock, as a fisherman on a jutting crag casts his bait to lure small fish, lowers an ox-horn on a long pole into the sea, and catching a fish flings it ashore. There at the entrance to her cave she devoured them, as they shrieked and reached out their hands to me in their last dreadful throes. It was the most pitiable sight of all I saw exploring the pathways of the sea."
I also pulled from a story I read as a kid. I don't remember the name of the book, but it was about a boy who had been kidnapped. He was from a beautiful hidden island, where many strange things happened. I also incorporated the island that was full of goats from another protein of the Odyssey. 


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary Continued: The Odyssey

"[E]ach of Scylla’s heads dragged a man writhing towards the rock, as a fisherman on a jutting crag casts his bait to lure small fish, lowers an ox-horn on a long pole into the sea, and catching a fish flings it ashore. There at the entrance to her cave she devoured them, as they shrieked and reached out their hands to me in their last dreadful throes. It was the most pitiable sight of all I saw exploring the pathways of the sea."
Scylla, by Johm Flaxman

To transform this section of Homer’s Odyssey into my own story, I thought I would expand on Scylla, and how she came to be. It will be a story of how the gods decided they needed a protector of the sea, in this particular spot. I would like to detail that she is guarding something extremely special and sacred to the gods, so that no human may ever get to it. Scylla is there to defend it at all costs, like fluffy in Harry Potter. Except instead of guarding a trap door, Scylla will be guarding an island where the gods and goddesses leave their young to grow up. No one is to ever find this island because not only does it have a guard, but it is cloaked, so that humans cannot see it unless they were to be shipwrecked on it. Along with this backstory, I would like to tell a story of a young woman who finds her way to this island by accident, cunningly escaping Scylla. She then discovers the island, and ends up living there and marrying one of the young gods that the island is home to.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: The Odyssey

For my first reading, I chose to read Homer’s Odyssey translated by Tony Kline. My favorite part of the passage was when Odysseus and his crew arrived at Circe’s house. For my storytelling post I may want to write about the part describing the animals that she had enchanted, and were tending to her. The specific quote I had in mind was, “[t]hey found Circe’s house of polished stone, in a clearing in the forest glades. Round it wolves and mountain lions prowled, bewitched by Circe with her magic drugs. Instead of rushing to attack my men, they rose on their hind legs and wagged their tails."
Circe, By Wright Barker

I think this would be a fun quote to center a story around. I could possibly give a backstory as to how all these animals ended up under her control, or about why Circe felt to the need to enchant them. I think I may want to paint Circe as a lonely goddess who needed some company, so she chose these fantastic beasts to tame. Her house is tucked up into the woods, on a lonely island, so I could use that to detail how the other gods and goddesses ignored her, and never visited. The Odyssey paints her in a negative light, saying that Circe just wanted to trap people in her home, so I think I may play on that. I may want to show that people only think of her that way, but she is kind and caring, and there is more to her than just potions and spells. I may also incorporate Odysseus, saying that Circe fell in love with him when he came to her island, but had to let him go on his way. She did not want to keep him there, when he did not really want to be there with her.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Challenges with Learning Challenges

I have always seen the jellybean video floating around, but never took the time to watch it. After watching it, I felt very motivated, and it made me want to enjoy everything I do.

That is why the area of H.E.A.R.T. that I am most looking forward to would have to be health and happiness! To me, happiness is the most important thing there is in life, and if you can build a foundation on being happy, then you can manage anything. Mental health goes hand in hand with this, and has come to be an incredibly important issue to me recently. I have a few close friends who struggle with depression, and am always looking for new ways that I can be of help to them.
Happiness is books
From Flickr

I am also consistently struggling with attention, as are many people (Hello, phones!). I am excited to learn new techniques, but one of my own is classical music. It does wonders for paying attention while studying! I usually hate sound when I am trying to focus, but classical music is one of those things that you can tune out so easily, yet it somehow focuses you on your task. Luckily, in high school we were taught to manage our time very well, so I don’t struggle with that too much anymore. I am very diligent to make schedules on when I need to be doing work, and when I can take breaks. I have actually used the tomato-timer before, and it worked pretty well! Although, sometimes if I am in a really good groove I will continue working, then reward myself with a larger break when I finish. I do struggle time to time to get motivated to start my work, so I am interested to see what I can learn about getting that first wave of momentum going.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Growth Mindset Outlook

Before this class, I had never heard of the “Growth Mindset.” While I watched the first video, I found it eye opening. It was this awesome new concept to me! As someone who will possibly be working with children, and trying them to grow little by little, this video gave me a new outlook on how I might work with them. These videos excited to me to be able to have a new outlook on my schoolwork, and the tasks that I encounter during my life. I think it was very inspiring, and she has a very cutting edge concept that can be easily implemented into everyone’s life. I am now looking forward to implementing this concept into my life, and sharing my experiences with it!
Growth Mindset Meme
 From Laura Gibbs

My Storybook Favorites For Future Reference

The first project that I read wasMermaid Tales of The World. The title was a good gateway into what the stories were about. I really enjoyed this, and it was something completely new to me. I was especially intrigued by her introduction and origins. I liked how she put it from a mermaid’s point of view, and I also really enjoyed how she gave some background information. I think that was necessary to fully get her stories across. The layout went along with the topic, and gave the overall feeling of being underwater, where the stories would take place. As for design, I liked the index being on the side, but it also made me think that I may want another way to just click to the next page.
Mermaid Tales of The World

The next storybook I took a look at, and really enjoyed was The Insider to the Royals. It was such an interesting twist on the stories we all loved and grew up with, and took the familiar a little farther. I originally decided to read it because I love reading about kings and queens, but when pleasantly surprised when it was about the cartoon royals we all know. I really liked the simple layout, and this might be something I look into when I am doing my storybook. I also thought the introduction and title were nice entries. They gave the explanations they needed to.

Lastly, I read Tales of Mount Olympus High. The introduction flowed with the rest of the story, which intrigued me! This was different than the other two I read because it was one storyline all the way through. I think I may want to do this for my storybook because I like the setup of every section being like a new chapter. I liked that her index was laid out across the top of the page, instead of the side. The layout and pictures of this one nicely combined to look very well put together, which is now something I will recall when creating my pages.

My UnTextbook Choices Overview

My choice for week 2 of this class is Homer's Odyssey. I am very excited to read through these passages because I haven’t read this since I was a freshman in high school. I remember finding it interesting because it was a lone man fighting many things that got in his way. I am also interested in it because I never got to read the entire thing, so maybe there will be passages that I did not get to.

I am also very excited to get to Alice in Wonderland because that was my favorite movie as a child. I never got around to reading it, so I cannot wait for this opportunity. This will also give me another chance to find a new love for something I loved as a kid.
(illustration by Sir John Tensile)

Another one of my childhood favorites was Aesop fairytales. If I had to pick just one, it would probably be Jacob's Aesop, but if I had the chance I would probably read all of them! I remember when I used to read them that they would teach valuable life lessons, which is why they are one of my favorites. It puts a new spin on useful information, and really gets you to think about situations.

Lastly, I am looking forward to reading Crane’s Grimm section. I have always heard about these tails, but somehow never got around to reading them. They intrigue me, and they are something new that I am looking forward to discovering.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction to a Dog Lover

Hi, My name is Ali! I am a junior, Health and Exercise Science major. I plan to go graduate and go to graduate school for physical therapy, which I am really excited about. I hope to one day go into pediatric PT, because I love working with little kids, although I would be just as happy to work with any other age group! I have had two internships so far, and loved them both so much. My first I got to work with little kids, My favorite part was one of the little boys would ask for me every day if I weren’t there, or was working with another patient. I thought that was the most precious thing ever. My other internship was at an outpatient clinic, and my favorite part of that one was this old man who always came in and joked around with me and the other interns.

I am really excited about this semester because I decided to add a psychology minor  to my degree. Ever since high school I have really enjoyed my psych classes, and even thought at one point that I wanted to me a psychiatrist. Now it's great because I get to take three more classes that I know will keep my interest!

When I am not at home, I miss my puppy at home. She’s not exactly a puppy since she’s 12 years old, but I still count her as one. Her name is Lucy and she’s a Black Lab.
Lucy on Christmas 2016

My roommate at school has a dog that stays with us. His name is Chief, and he is a German shepherd. He’s cute, but a little rambunctious. Every morning he greets me by jumping up on me and biting either my hands or my arms somewhere, so I usually have about a dozen scratches at any given time.
Chief as a puppy

One day I hope to have a Bernese mountain dog. I’m not sure when I acquired my obsession, but now that is one of my goals in life. I love that they are so big and cuddly looking!
Bernese Mountain Dog
Photo by Kinjeng Submiter

I look forward to getting to learn a lot about some of y’all too!

How Jill Broke Jack: Week 1 Storytelling

How Jill Broke Jack
Once there was a beautiful couple. They had known they were right for each other since they met when they were eleven. They had overcome a lot in their lives together. You could say it was sort of an uphill battle, but they always persevered. People were always trying to break them up, saying that they didn’t belong together. Not only this, but they never seemed to catch a break. Earlier in the year Jill lost her job. Right after that Jack’s father died, which was devastating to both of them. Although many hardships came their way, the couple powered through them. They overcame everything that was thrown at them. 

Couple Hiking
Found at Pixabay

Finally, things seemed to be going great! Jack proposed to Jill, and they were going to have a magnificent wedding. Everyone was going to be there! Jack couldn’t have been more excited to marry the love of his life.
Couple Swinging
Found at pdpics

The wedding was beautiful, and Jack and Jill were on top of the world (or a hill…)! They were so in love...or so Jack thought. Jill had a secret she had been hiding from Jack for quite some time.

Not long after the wedding Jack found out that his beloved wife had been cheating on him with another man. Not only was it another man, it was his older brother. His heart was shattered. He couldn’t forgive his wife, and so he divorced her, but her never fully recovered. Jack never again got to the blissful state he was in when he got married. He lost who he though of as his beautiful queen.
Broken Heart
Photo by David Goehring

Don’t worry, Jill got what she had coming. Her other boyfriend broke up with her after Jack confronted him about the affair. She was left with nothing. She lost everything in the divorce, her family turned against her, and she had no one to turn to. She was scorned for the rest of her life.

In the end both were left broken, and without the love they had once cherished.

Author’s Note:

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

Everyone knows the original Jack and Jill nursery rhyme. In the original rhyme Jack and Jill seem to just be doing an ordinary task, like fetching water for their home. They go up the hill, and then eventually both end up falling down the hill. It never seemed like anything too extreme in the original, so I made it take on a more dramatic ending. I made my story after this rhyme as if it were figurative, instead of literal. They go up the hill that many people do, which is overcoming the hardships they are thrown in life. They finally come to the top, where everything is good, but after a while things start to go wrong again. Going down the hill is a lot faster than going up it, and they just don’t have the energy to climb it again. This is why they do not stay together and work things out. When Jack breaks his “crown” I imagined this as him losing his queen, or Jill. Then after Jack goes through all these terrible things, Jill has her downfall as well.


This story is based on the nursery rhyme "Jack and Jill Went up the Hill" in The Nursery Rhyme Book, edited by Andrew Lang (1897)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Beach...My Favorite Place

My favorite place is the beach. It doesn't matter what beach, as long is it is warm and sunny. Since I was little my parents have been taking me to the beach for vacations. Oddly enough, I used to absolutely hate it! Now I can't get enough of it. For me it is the greatest vacation spot to just escape everything.
Beach Chairs on Sand 

Comment Wall

My name is Ali Hosea and welcome to my blog!  I am a Junior studying HES. I'm excited to get to know everyone, so leave a comment!
Me with Bevo

Ali's Blog Test Post

First Test Post